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(CMAR) Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Phase 3
07/30/24 - 3:00
Various components of AWRF and OWRF are in need of repair, rehabilitation, replacement, and other improvements in order for the water reclamation facilities to operate in a safe, reliable and energy-efficient manner. The City has performed numerous risk and condition assessments to determine the highest priority improvements to both facilities. Examples of some of the necessary improvements for this project include but are not limited to: the replacement of the Aeration Basins fine bubble aeration system, the rehabilitation of secondary clarifiers; addition of a sixth Disc Filter, odor control improvements at the Headworks, improvements of the chemical feed facilities, addition of stairs at Prestage Basin No. 2, and other associated upgrades. This project also includes upgrades to the AWRF SCADA system to include upgrades to legacy hardware and software. The project will replace the existing Foxboro I/A Distributed Control System (DCS) with Modicon PLCs and Wonderware Human Machine Interface (HMI). This effort may entail hardware replacement and upgrades to operational technology (OT). The project will include procurement and installation of new virtual machine servers, software packages, and creation of SCADA software screens. CITY PROJECT NO.: WW2401.401