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Catalina Foothills High School (CFHS) - Kitchen/Performing Arts Expansion Project
04/28/11 - 11:00
Catalina Foothills Unified School District
This project is a two part project. It includes expansion of the Performing Arts Department and expansion of the Kitchen. The Performing Arts expansion includes the conversion of an existing storage room into a new practice space for the Steel Drum Band and new space adjacent to the new practice room for the scenery shop. The kitchen expansion includes demolition of the existing dock and creating new space in the same location for food storage, offices, and a new refrigerator and freezer. The Performing Arts component of the work will also include: 1. Removal and disposal of existing mechanical equipment on the roof of the storage room and above the fire alarm panel room. 2. Removal of existing doors in the storage room. 3. Demolition of portion of dock, paving and landscaping. Relocation of water line. 4. Construction of new space for shop, dock and ramp. 5. New mechanical units for shop, drum room and fire alarm panel room. 6. New lighting and tubular skylights. 7. New paving. The Kitchen component of the work will also include: 1. Removal and disposal of existing dock, canopy and related paving. 2. Construction of new space that includes food storage, offices and refrigerator/freezer. 3. Ne mechanical for new space. 4. New lighting and tubular skylights. 5. New paving.