projects bidding

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School of Computing Informatics and Decisions Systems Engineering (SCIDSE) Tenant Improvement (TI)
03/3/11 - 3:00
Arizona State University
Sealed bids will be delivered and received no later than 3:00 PM, MST, March 3, 2011, in the University Services Building, 1551 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ (between Apache Blvd. & Broadway), Arizona Board of Regents, Purchasing and Business Services, Arizona State University. (If mailing, P.O. Box 875212, Tempe, AZ 85287-5212); Attention: Doug Boyer, Purchasing Construction Manager, for the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation and services required for ASU Project No. GC-2011-11462.FES for the SCIDSE 1.5 TI REMODELproject on the Tempe campus of Arizona State University (ASU). Scope of work: Tenant Improvement (TI) remodel of partial first floor and all of mezzanine level of lease space formerly occupied by Borders Bookstore, for instructional classrooms, research space, offices, and meeting rooms for the Fulton School of Engineerings School of Computing Informatics and Decisions Systems Engineering (SCIDSE). A pre-bid meeting was scheduled for 10:30 AM, MST, Thursday, February 17, 2011, in the BYENG (Brickyard on Mill), NE corner of Mill Ave & 7th Ave, Tempe, AZ, Room 660. City Parking is available under the building. The entrance to the parking structure is located at the southeast corner of the building on 7th Ave. There is metered street parking. All attendees shall sign in at the front desk. The meeting will be followed by an inspection of the project site in the same building. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting, and inspection of the construction site,