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19th Avenue and Greenway Road Pedestrian Path and Bridge
03/1/11 - 2:00
City of Phoenix
CALL FOR BIDS 19TH AVENUE AND GREENWAY ROAD PEDESTRIAN PATH AND BRIDGE DESIGN BID BUILD CITY OF PHOENIX PROJECT NO.: ST87600050 (FHWA) FEDERAL AID NO.: CM-PHX-O (215) A ADOT TRACS NO.: SS688 03D BIDS WILL BE DUE TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2011 AT 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME PHOENIX CITY HALL 200 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, 6TH FLOOR PHOENIX, AZ. 85003-1611 The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contracting firm to perform the project listed below. SCOPE OF WORK Sealed bids will be received at the Engineering & Architectural Services Division''s Central Records Counter, Sixth Floor, Phoenix City Hall, 200 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 85003, until the hour indicated above. 19TH AVENUE AND GREENWAY ROAD PEDESTRIAN PATH AND BRIDGE. Work will include a Steel Cable Stay Bridge consisting of; 309 SY of Structural Concrete; 34,670 LB of Steel Reinforcing; 472,200 LB of Structural Steel; Expanded Architectural Steel Mesh on Steel Framing; Bridge Cables & Connecting Hardware; 53 LF of 96" & 295 LF of 60" diameter Drilled Shaft Foundations; 1,494 CY of Structural Excavation; 1,462 CY of Structural Fill; 1,946 SY of Subgrade Preparation; 3,360 SY of Geogrid; 16,677 SF of Desert Pavement Mix (NaturalPave XL Resin Pavement Surface); 14,635 SF of Hydroseed; Aggregate Base Course; Asphalt concrete; RGRCP Storm Drain Pipe; Pedestrian Pathway & Bridge Lighting; Landscaping & Irrigation; and various other miscellaneous items. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, Februar